Women empowerment a much raised and discussed topic round the globe? But why is it necessary? Why we are trying to fill this gender gap? What is gender gap? Why is women not given that equality level and trust in the society ! it is 21
st century and women still have to run for their rights? If we ourselves could try to get the balance then there would be no need of this whole campaign for women empowerment. A house maker can anytime be a corporate leader! And we have series of example in our country itself ! then why do we yet need this women empowerment concept? Well is this gender gap filled in all states? Are women in the country getting their deserved rights? And are they educated till the age boys are? Are they forced to get married at a young age? Well staying in urban areas we have forgotten this topic! But the reality check says that this topic needs much more attention then it is getting. Women empowerment is not only to be known topic but it is that one should bring in practice. If u aim to empower a women you will be an indirect force to empower a family. Women forms a chain of knowledge that she has. It is always passed on to someone ! yes you read it right a house maker is a dynamic source of knowledge! And she is the one who can bring society to betterment . don’t you remember Indira Gandhi , Mother Teresa , Lakshm bai ( Jhansi ) Savitri bai phule and sarojini naidu?
They were the ones that irrespective of their profession worked for the mankind and their work is yet appreciated by us . why? Ever wondered? What will happen if we decide to educate all the women in the country? Well I think the country will finally be tagged as Developed instead of developing.
Empowerment is not just a word or to provide facilities it is beyond that . many of us use this word casually or really do not know what the word empowerment stands for? Well
Empowerment is a multi dimensional process which should enable individuals or a group of individuals to realize their full identity and powers in all spheres of life.
According to websters dictionary the word empowerment indicates the situation of authority or to be authorized or to be powerful . in other words empowers means to authorize . so empowerment is a process which gives women power or authority to challenge some situation.
The term empowerment indicates a process of giving to developing conditions for generating power within . therefore conceptually the term empowerment has multi dimensional focus and can be described as a process wherein a group or individuals are anbled to enhance their status in the scoeity on the hand and overall participation and growth in the other. Empowerment is an active multi dimensional process which enable a women to realize their identity , position and power in all spheres of life. Empowerment provides greater making process at home an in the matters autonomy in the decision making process at home and in the matters concerning society and freedom from customs , beliefs and practices.
Empowerment demands a drastic and basic changes in the system or marriage and family , husband and wife relationship and attitude towards the socialization an remarriage.
Empowerment is a process that gives a person freedom in decision making .
definition of empowerment -: keller and mbewe – “empowerment is a process whereby women become able to organize themselves to increase their own , self reliance to assert their independent right to make choices and to control resources which will assists in challenges and climinating their own subordination
P.K.B Nayar – empowerment is an aid to help women to achieve equality with men or at least to reduce gender gap considerably.
Now what is women empowerment? What are its features? And what are the schemes that are provided to the women in India to grow? What should women do inorder to feel empowered to reduce this gender gap? Is education enough? Or do they need to be balanced economically as well as socially? And if yes what do they do to get that economic balance? Start their own ventures or go for a job?
Will the society accept them as an entrepreneur? Or they will again have to give up on their dreams! Well this one answer my article wont be able to answer you! It is something you got to discover yourself. Of the fear of society is what haunting one person then nothing can help him to overcome him except the persons will power. Women should not stand for their rights but also help the ones who are deprived of these rights and can not speak for them. Working hand in hand can be more beneficial . “ unity is strength” a not to be explained phrase . and it work wonders . women can get hold of their rights by being empowered together. But before that one should know what does this term “ Women empowerment “ actually means ?
Women empowerment is a prerequisite for creating a good nation . if a women empowered her competencies towards decision – making will need to promote women empowerment among the rural women. Empowerment includes higher literacy level and education for women , better health care for women and children equal ownership of productive resources , their rights and responsibilities , improved standars of living and acquiring empowerment include , economic empowerment social empowerment and gender justice that is to eliminate all types of discrimination against women and the girl child.
Women empowerment is not a new concept it is quite a well known concept round the globe. Women all over the world have been challenging and changing gender inequalities since the beginning of history . these struggles have also been supported by many men who have been outraged at injustice against women and thereupon the consequences for the society. The goal of women empowerment is simply providing strength to them. The strength may be giving political or economic authority or provision of health and nutrition of health and nutrition care or social element in the poverty eradication. Empowerment of women , particularly rural women has become an important issue in the startergies of balanced development with social justice. Economic empowerment results in women’s ability to influence or make right decision, increase self confidence better status and role in household etc.
I bet if every one in the country started thinking like The country’s first prime minister , Pandit jawarharlal Nehru who said “when women move forward the family moves , the villages moves and the nation moves” employment gives economic status to women , economic status gives way to social status and thereby empowerment” then no one can stop women to grow in our country and take the country along with it to new heights.
It is beleived that economic strength is the basis of social , political an psuchological power in the society . thus the lower strata of women mostly stems form their low economic status. And subsequent dependence and lack of decision making power. Therefore if women gains economic strength they gain visibility and voice.
Women have a unique position in the economy . in our country with an unfavourable woman – man ratio and strong patriarchal roots . entrepreneurship anc acess to funds have been difficult.
Facilitating that womens direct partipation in decision making capacity and income generation activities can make significant contributions towards women empowerment . this will enable women to take the intiative for their development into their own hans. And entrepreneurship can help women to gain economic development and improve their social status . once they attain development of women entreprenuership enables society to understand and appreciate their abilities. It enhances their status and leads to integration of women in nation building and economic . it provides the needed psychological satisfaction and imbues them with a deep sense of achievements to create their enhanced identity in society.